
These are the Values of Our Company;


  • To add value to our workers with human oriented applications.
  • To support and to secure the development of our workers
  • To create a partnership with the individuals responsible against community, nature and anvironment.


The core values of our human resource policies are development, human orientation, customer satisfaction, liability, ethic and moral values and social responsibility.

In case of you want to be part of our team, please complete our application form.


Application Form

Surname / Magaca Awoowaha

First and Middle Name / Magacaaga iyo Magaca Aabaha

Date and Place of birth / Taariikhda Dhalashada

Mother’s Name / Magaca hooyada

Address / Cinwaankaaga

Telephone No 1:

Telephone No 2:

Marital Status / Xaalada Bulsho

Spouse Name / Magca Xaaska

Number of children / Imisa caruur

Date when available for work / Taarikhda aad shaqada bilaabi kartid:

Level of Education / Heerka Waxbarasho

Last School Name

Type of Qualification / Nooca Shahaado

Any Chronic Illnesses/Jirro daawao lahayn

Any Surgeries / Qalliin ma soo martay

Work Experience

Reason for leaving/Sababta aad uga tagtay

Last job/Nooca shaqadii kugu dambaysay

Blood Group / Nooca Dhiigaaga

Father’s job / Shaqada aabahaa

Mother’s job / Shaqada hooyadaa

Any Criminal Record?/ Dambiyo aad horay u gashay

Referees / Marqaati

I hereby declare that the information I have given above is correct / Waxaan cadaynayaa warbixinta aan kor lku xusay iney sax tahay